The manga and anime series, Death Note, is about a high school student named Light Yagami who discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing their name in it. After he kills the criminal mastermind behind the world’s greatest case of terrorism, Kira, he becomes known as “Kira” himself. Does Light die at the end of Death Note?
The what episode does light die in death note is a question that has been asked by many people. Light Yagami dies at the end of Death Note, but what episode?
In this exciting manga series, Light Yagami is a genius who is horrified by the present condition of the world and intends to utilize a strange book called the Death Note to wipe out all the individuals he considers to be evil. Is Light going to die at the conclusion of Death Note since he has a target on his back?
In Death Note, Light Yagami is shot by Matsuda after being revealed as the vigilante ‘Kira.’ Light dies of a heart attack after Ryuk puts Light’s name in the Death Note as he promised at the start.
Why would a powerful person die in the same manner as his victims? I’ll explain how Light died in more detail.
In which Death Note episode does Light die?
In episode 37, titled “New World,” Light dies, bringing the anime series to a close. Near suggested that Light and the special task team meet him in the “Yellow Box” warehouse in the previous episode. Light concurs.
Takada, Light’s spokesman, dies in a fire, and there is a frenzy about who will be the next spokesperson after the news is broadcast. Light is sure that everything is in order as he approaches the yellow box. He intends to assassinate everyone who knows about the notepad.
So Light devised a plan for Mikami to bring the original Death Note inside the yellow box, look inside, and write down the names of everyone in the room save his name, causing them all to die.
Near sees that someone has peered into the room and scribbled all of the names on a piece of paper. As a result, he invites Mikami inside. Mikami is first dubious, but he enters the chamber nonetheless. Mikami replies it’s been 30 seconds since he typed the first name when Light asks how long it’s been since he wrote it.
If a person’s name is written in the book, they will die in 40 seconds. Mikami begins counting down the last ten seconds, and when he reaches 40, Light declares to Near, “I won.” Nobody dies after 40 seconds because Near holds the original Death Note and Mikami has a fake.
Light is taken aback by the fact that his scheme failed and that his cover has been exposed. The whole room is shocked they didn’t die, but Near isn’t, since it was, after all, his plan. Near takes Mikami’s phony Death Note and examines the names he scribbled on it. Except for Light, Mikami had scribbled everyone’s name in the room.
Near confronts Light, and the special task team believes he is Kira since his name is the only one not inscribed in the Death Note.
He becomes agitated and exclaims that it is all a set-up. However, the proof is clear since Near tampered with the Death Note. Near had teamed up with Mello and detective L to apprehend Kira since he knew he couldn’t catch and expose Kira’s real identity on his own.
As the evidence points to his being Kira, Light starts to chuckle. Then he states unequivocally that he is Kira, and that he is the god of the new planet. He says that the world needs Kira and that he is humanity’s last hope and source of justice.
He expresses his dissatisfaction that, despite his efforts, there are still criminals in the world, and that his job is not complete until the whole globe has been cleaned.
He claims that he understands that murdering people is illegal, but that it is the only way he can rid the world of evil. It is his responsibility to do so, and he is the only one who is capable of doing so.
When Matsuda finds Light trying to remove a piece of the Death Note from his watch to write Near’s name, he shoots his arm. Matsuda is furious that Light seems unconcerned about his father’s death.
Light uses his blood to try to finish the name once again. Matusda gets enraged this time and shoots Light several times, causing Light to tumble to the ground. Light is furious, but he is too exhausted to get up.
Mikami slashes his wrists with a pen and begins to scream in agony while Light continues to lie on the ground. The task team hurries over to Mikami and does all they can to stop the bleeding, but they are powerless. Mikami would perish anyway. Light takes advantage of the diversion to get out of the warehouse where they were all staying.
When Near stops them and urges them not to worry, the task force is ready to go after Light. Near is skeptical of Light’s claim that he has another notebook stashed somewhere, and thinks that Light will succumb to the bullet wounds shortly.
The task team, however, ignores Near’s instructions and returns to the pursuit of Light. As he attempts to find shelter, light staggers on slowly. He is in excruciating agony and is rapidly deteriorating. It’s difficult to see this moment because I’m afraid his life is coming to an end. Light starts to experience memories of his earlier days and all that had happened to him up to that point. As Light Yagami continues to run, the sun is sinking and somber music is playing in the background.
Light starts to have hallucinations, and he sees himself as a child on the day he discovers the Death Note and is curiously reading it on his walk home. When I enter another warehouse, the delusion ends.
From atop a tower, Ryuk has been keeping an eye on Light. Light is completely spent from the chase and the bullet wound at this moment. Just as he is ready to climb a flight of stairs, Ryuk finally writes Light’s name in the Death Note. Light Yagami died after a heart attack.
What Happened to Light?
After Light has been shot many times, the Shinigami Ryuk writes Light’s name in his Death Note. People’s names inscribed in the Death Note don’t go to heaven or hell, Ryuk informs Light.
Light finds it difficult to imagine that he would be killed by the same book that he used to murder the individuals he labeled criminals and nasty. After killing Light, Ryuk has no remorse. Ryuk just wanted to have fun, and he realized that if Light went to prison, he wouldn’t have as much fun, so he murdered him instead.
Because he is bored with his current pursuits, Ryuk releases the Death Note into the human realm. He’s searching for adventure and chooses to travel to Earth in search of it. Ryuk’s goal from the start has been to murder whomever discovers the Death Note, and unfortunately for Light, he is the first human to touch the notebook, and he has been doomed from the start without even realizing it. He brings the Death Note home and gradually uncovers the book’s abilities. Light develops a fascination with the Death Note and its potential applications.
Light had to die because people should not have the ability to take lives as they choose, and the book’s power went to Light’s head, causing him to commit a series of expensive errors for which he had to pay the ultimate price with his life.
When Light Yagami dies, how old will he be?
When Light Yagami dies at the conclusion of the anime series, he is 23 years old. He was born in the month of February 1989 and died in the month of January 2013. He saw himself as a deity, and he had to pay the price for wielding the power that the book granted him.
Light was being pursued by then-special forces led by investigator L, who was hell-bent on discovering Kira’s true identity. They intended to arrest him for his illegal murders, but Ryuk knew that if he was arrested, Light would suffer, so he killed him instead.
This book was formerly held by Shinigami Ryuk, who chose to throw it into the Earth because he was bored and looking for something to do.
When Yagami Light dies, what happens to him?
At the start of the series, Ryuk warned Light Yagami that anybody who utilizes the Death Note would not go to either heaven or hell.
As a result, when Light Yagami dies, he no longer exists. I don’t believe Light will become a Shinigami like Ryuk when he dies since he is human, and people, according to the manga series, go to mu, which is emptiness after they die.
The story left us perplexed as to what happens to Light when he dies, yet according to the manga series’ established structure, Light no longer exists.
Watching Light die after all the efforts he took to remain alive and incognito is sad for me.
The death note alternate ending is a question that has been asked many times. In the end, Light Yagami does not die at the end of Death Note.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens to Light Yagami at the end of Death Note?
Light Yagami is killed by L, who was the original owner of the Death Note.
Does Light Yagami die in Death Note?
Light Yagami does not die in Death Note.
Who Killed Light Yagami in Death Note?
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